Term's & Conditions | Daniel Ray's Spa
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Term's & Condition's

  1. Massage therapy is provided for stress reduction, relaxation, relief from muscular tension, and improvement of circulation and energy flow.

  2. If I experience pain or discomfort during the session, I will immediately inform my therapist so that pressure/strokes can be adjusted to my level of comfort. I will not hold my therapist responsible for any pain or discomfort I experience during or after the session.

  3. I understand that the services offered today are not a substitute for medical care. I understand that my therapist is not qualified to perform spinal or skeletal adjustments, diagnose, prescribe, or treat physical or mental illness.

  4. I affirm that I have notified my therapist of all known medical conditions and injuries.

  5. I agree to inform the therapist of any changes in my health and medical condition. I understand that there shall be no liability on the therapist’s part should I forget to do so.

  6. I understand that massage is entirely therapeutic and non-sexual in nature.

  7. ANY sexual advances made during massage will result in the end of the service as well as service will be required to be paid in full.

  8. By checking off the box, I hereby waive and release my therapist from any and all liability, past, present, and future relating to massage therapy and bodywork.

  9. Information and Suggestions

  10. Prior to your massage, please remove all jewelry from your person that may possible interfere during massage.

  11. In general, massage is given while you are unclothed. However, you may choose to wear undergarments or a swimsuit. You will be covered with a top sheet throughout your session. This is your massage and you should be as comfortable as possible.

  12. Feel free to ask your therapist any questions before, during, or after the session. Your therapist is a highly trained professional and will be happy to make you feel informed and comfortable.

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